Author Archives: Scot Newbury

Are you a collector?

One of the things we’re often told when researching is to cast a wide net, gather as much information as you can. We have tools out there that help us clip and save everything we see and think is even remotely interesting. And then all that information just sits. At least that’s what happens a… Read More »

Analysis Paralysis

Yesterday I wrote about how any given system will only work if it’s personal and that in order for a system to be that you have to take the time to investigate and try different things. Of course you have to be careful that you don’t fall into the trap of never starting because you’re… Read More »

Sorry, it’s personal

Today as I was spending time in my personal knowledge management (PKM) system, that collection of notes, resources, and references that I’m cultivating for future use and was reminded just how personal it is. It’s something that is often overlooked as we all strive to find that “perfect” system for knowledge management, productivity system, or… Read More »

Convenience or Privacy

It’s becoming more and more the topic of conversation these days, which is more important, the convenience of a service or our privacy. Every day we use a variety of service that don’t charge a fee or subscription which then begs the question, how do they pay to provide the service? The old standby has… Read More »


I don’t mean to use one of those “college words” to try and impress anyone but this one in particular stands out for me. The word, Autodidact, means a self-taught person (from the Merriam Webster Dictionary). It’s someone who embarks on a course of study without the guidance of a teacher or subject matter expert,… Read More »