Monthly Archives: February 2021

Attention to the details

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just want to slap your forehead and beat yourself up? Yup, I had another one of those moments today. I say there for what seemed like forever, staring at the code I had just written trying to figure out why it wouldn’t work. I had… Read More »

Just because you can

doesn’t mean you should. Today I decided to add the todoist plugin to my Obsidian notes installation. It’s one of those plugins that I’m not sure yet if it’ll stay. From a technical perspective it works well and does what it should. If you use Todoist and Obsidian I would recommend you take a look… Read More »

The move to plain text

With so many tools out there why plain text? For me the answer is all about flexibility. I know there are many out there that feel the big reason to use plain text is the fact that’s future proof. That is a completely true statement and plain text will be around for a long time,… Read More »

Don’t jump on the bandwagon

One of the things that so many folks look to do is “jump on the bandwagon” and join in the latest trend. Why? Why would you be a follower when you could be a leader? Instead of following along with everyone else, forge your own path. Write your own story. Just because everyone else is… Read More »

Continuing the journey

As the calendar flips and I move into my second month, it’s time to adjust the journey. When I reset the blog and started this journey I made the decision to start with a clean slate. That also meant I skipped the graphics and a custom theme. I wanted this site to really be a… Read More »