Author Archives: Scot Newbury

Why do we fall?

In the movie Batman Begins the question is first to Bruce Wayne from his father, and later Alfred asks the same question. In both cases the answer seems straightforward, “so we can learn to pick ourselves up.” A very true statement and teaches the importance of not giving up, that falling is just part of… Read More »

Are you looking through rose colored glasses?

It might seem like a simple question but so often we all look at things from only one point of view – our own. And it’s not just our point of view, we color everything based on our own experiences from how we grew up, to the people we work with, to what we read,… Read More »

You have to show up

A lot of folks set a goal, or make a New Year’s Resolution that deals with starting a new habit. It doesn’t matter what the habit is most of the time as they all typically have something in common, you have to show up. One of the goals I set for myself this year is… Read More »

Why write every day?

If you think about it, all of us write every day. There are scores of emails sent every day along with thousands of social media postings so we all write, but why write a blog post every day? To write a blog post every day means to make the commitment to write something that just… Read More »

It’s not about the stats

Too often those that create content, whether it is a blog, a video, or a even a simple photo, get hung up on the stats. We all do it at some point, we make it about the number of views, how many likes the posting has, and we loose sight of why we do it.… Read More »