Author Archives: Scot Newbury

Stop and smell the roses

There comes a time when the days are just flying by, nothing seems to stand still. In the blink of an eye the calendar shows a new year, a new decade, and then the kids are suddenly grown. Life happens at a constant pace, it never slows down, the tick of the clock is a… Read More »

Keep moving forward

“If you are going through hell, keep going” – Winston Churchill I’ve written before about the need to show up in order to accomplish a goal. There’s no substitute here, you have to do the work in order to accomplish anything you set out to do, the journey doesn’t stop at the start though. The… Read More »

Did your target change?

At the start of every year many make ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ and then put their heads down to make good at that promise to themselves. Some will accomplish the goal they set, some will develop the new habit, some will throw the towel in and call it a day and vow to do better next… Read More »

Beware the rabbit hole

As I write this, a lot earlier in the day for a change, I realized that I actually sat down to write it 45 minutes ago. I feel down the rabbit hole. It wasn’t one thing in particular, instead of jumping write to the editor I checked an open tab, clicked a link, then another,… Read More »

Choose your weapon

“Choose your weapon,” is one of those phrases that conjures an image to mind. A table with a variety of weapons arrayed upon it, usually all manner of swords, knives, and blunt instruments used in hand to hand combat. In this case however, I’m referring to your digital weapons of choice, the apps and software… Read More »